Inou Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de Wiki
Maiya Takanashi
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Rōmaji Takanashi Maiya
Personal Information
Gender Female
Age 14
Status Alive
Relatives Sayumi Takanashi (older sister)
Unamed grandmother (deceased)
Eye Red-ish Brown
Hair Purple
Occupation Student
Anime debut Episode 6
Voice Actors
Japanese Sumire Morohoshi
(諸星 すみれ Morohoshi Sumire)
English Karlii Hoch

Maiya Takanashi ((たか)(なし) (まい)() Takanashi Maiya) is a supporting character in Inō Battle wa Nichijō-kei no Naka de. She is Sayumi's younger sister.



Maiya slightly resembles Sayumi Takanashi (Maiya's older sister).

Maiya has keeps her hairstyle similar to Sayumi's. She has dark purple, short and quite wavy hair that has a flower hair-clip on the right side and red-brownish eyes.

She is often seen with her school uniform, which consist of a white short sleeved shirt, on the shirt, she has a navy blue tie. She wears a forest green long skirt, and quite long white stockings and brown shoes.

When she isn't wearing her school uniform, she is usually seen with casual clothes.


Maiya may act cute when you first meet her, but she is quite different from Sayumi Takanashi (Maiya's older sister). Sayumi comments her as "wild and ill-mannered", but she is a very cheerful type who isn't shy at all. But, she is very hyper and she sometimes dig out other people's belongings.


  • The name Maiya means "dance" (舞) (mai) and "arrow" (矢) (ya).
  • Maiya's surname Takanashi means "tall, high" (高) (taka) and "pear" (梨) (nashi).
  • Maiya thinks that Jurai Andō and Sayumi Takanashi are possibly are dating.

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